Thursday, April 21, 2011

brain storming.....

After spending the last couple of weeks educating myself about starting my own business and  knowing that I have to come up with a solid concept and business plan I decided to default to a brainstorming technique that one of my favorite co workers tough me:  
use sticky tags.
We did this during crunch time, towards the end of a project, to be able to quickly identify what is left to do and how we can tackle it so we can hit the deadline.  In this situation and since I have limited wall space they ended up on my front window.
I now ad to them every day and each row is its own subject and part of the plan. The top row left to right is the Mission statement.

From there I went back to my" rather large" chalk board and created a one month calender and weekly to do list. That way I can keep myself  in check and don't miss any of the events, workshops and appointment. I know it is rather old fashion (and I do have an IPhone) but this is really not about technology this is about going through the process in a very conscious way. I have always been a visual person and this is how I work best. 

To top it  off and  since this will be part of business I started creating a vision board for the business concept and also for the design of the actually space. This is a lot of fun and one of my favorite parts of the process, it is like being in a candy store, at leased for me ;)

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